Planetary data and geoscientific map development with
demo and discussion
held at the 4th Planetary Data Workshop, 18-20 June 2019, Flagstaff - AZ
Alessandro Frigeri
Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali - IAPS
Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica - INAF
Rome, Italy / @afrigeri
Development started in 2002 by Gary Sherman
## Where do we left off?
2nd PDW in Flagstaff, 2015
QGIS was at:
* stable realease: 2.8.2, upcoming: 2.10
* platforms: GNU/Linux - OS X - MS Windows
## Where are we today?
4nd PDW in Flagstaff, June 19th 2019
QGIS is at:
* Stable: QGIS 3.6.3 'Noosa' (17.05.2019)
* LTR: QGIS 3.4.8 'Madeira'
* GNU/Linux - OS X - MS Windows - Android (QField)
* Upcoming v3.8 (now feature freezing)
* GRASS modules accessible from the QGIS GUI
Built-in OGC services
OGC services accessible from QGIS:
- Catalogue Service for the Web (CSW)
- Web Coverage Service (WCS)
- Web Feature Service (WFS)
- Web Feature Service - Transactional (WFS-T)
- Web Map Service (WMS)
QGIS is a project within OSGEO
The Open Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) is a non-profit non-governmental organization whose mission is to support and promote the collaborative development of open geospatial technologies and data.
QGIS for planetary data handling
Planetary geoscientific mapping
QGIS for planetary mapping: elements

- Digitizing plugins
- Symbology
- Crater count tool
Digitizing interface
Interpretative mapping requires a lot of user-input. Stream digitizing support is critical with modern input devices

Digitizing with beePen plugin
BeePen plug-in by Mauro Alberti
latest version implements smoothing + simplify chain
Digitizing with bezier plugin
Bezier Editing by Takayuki Mizutani
works directly on exisitng vector layers
Circle Craters Plugin
Provides a 3-point crater digitizing tool in QGIS, exporting the data into a Craterstat (Michael et al, 2013) compatible file
- Developed for QGIS 2.6 by Sarah Braden
- ported to Python3 / QGis 3.6
Circle Craters Plugin in action (QGIS 3.6)
Circle Craters: output from Craterstat

made in Italy QGIS3!
A special thanks goes to the all the QGIS/FOSS4G developers, contributors and sponsors, and planetary data users testing these tools!
that's it!
... and that's only the beginning!
Audience: demo of paricular aspect? Questions?